Emergency Vet in Maurice, LA
If you're in need of animal emergency care, don't hesitate to call or walk into our practice during regular business hours. Since we're a full-service animal hospital, we offer triage services to our most urgent patients at Maurice Veterinary Clinic. As much as we strive to walk our clients through emergencies, we also understand they can happen at the most inconvenient times. Therefore, we advise our clients to visit Lafayette Animal Emergency Clinic after our normal hours.
After-Hour Emergency Care
Like humans, animal emergencies strike within no time frame. If your pet needs urgent care after our normal business hours, please visit Lafayette Animal Emergency Clinic.
Lafayette Animal Emergency Clinic
206 Winchester Dr.
Lafayette, LA 70506
(337) 989-0992
How to Know Your Pet is Having an Emergency
Sometimes, it's not always clear your pet is having an emergency, but there are some definite indicators. If your pet has ingested something toxic, please call theĀ ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) emergency line at (888) 426-4435. Many items safe for us are unsafe for cats and dogs. Visit the ASPCA reference library for more information about possible toxins.
Signs of a pet emergency include:
- Your pet is not breathing and you can't feel a heartbeat.
- They've been vomiting for 12 or more hours.
- They've had diarrhea for 24 or more hours.
- Their abdomen feels hard and looks swollen.
- They've suffered a life-threatening injury.
- Your pet is trying to urinate but can't.
Please contact us for any more information about animal emergency care. We care deeply about animals and service cats, dogs, horses, and cattle.